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yacc Generates an LALR(1) parsing program from input consisting of a context-free grammar specification.
yes Outputs an affirmative response repetitively.
ypbind Enables client processes to bind, or connect, to an NIS server.
ypcat Prints out a Network Information Services (NIS) map.
ypinit Sets up NIS maps on a Network Information Services (NIS) server.
ypmatch Displays the values of given keys within a Network Information Services (NIS) map.
yppasswd Changes your network password in Network Information Services (NIS).
yppasswdd Receives and executes requests from the yppasswd command.
yppoll Displays the order number (ID number) of the Network Information Services (NIS) map currently in use on the server.
yppush Prompts the Network Information Services (NIS) slave servers to copy updated NIS maps.
ypserv Looks up information in local Network Information Services (NIS) maps.
ypset Directs a client machine to a specific server.
ypupdated Updates information in Network Information Services (NIS) maps.
ypwhich Identifies either the Network Information Services (NIS) server or the server that is the master for a given map.
ypxfr Transfers a Network Information Services (NIS) map from an NIS server to a local host.