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Commands Reference, Volume 1

chcod Command


Manages capacity upgrade on demand.


chcod [ -r ResourceType -n NbrResources ] [-c CustomerInfo ] [ -m MailAddr ] [-h ]


The chcod command manages capacity upgrade on demand, or CUoD. Capacity Upgrade on Demand is authorizing more ResourceTypes, such as processors, on the system than were initially authorized. The additional resources may be enabled if they are available, and if the system supports CUoD for that ResourceType. Only one ResourceType may be managed at a time. The change in the number of ResourceTypes takes effect after the next system boot. CUoD management also includes displaying the current number of ResourceType(s) which have CUoD support, monitoring the number of ResourceType(s) on the system, and notifying appropriately. Notification occurs on a monthly basis and also whenever NbrResources changes.

Notification takes the form of error logging and optionally, sending email. An entry is made in the system error log whenever the specified ResourceType changes and also on a monthly basis. The CustomerInfo text is included in the error log. If you specify an email address with MailAddr, notification also occurs via an email message sent to MailAddr. The CustomerInfo text is included in the text of the message. You can have notification by both error logging and email if you specify both CustomerInfo and MailAddr.

With no flags specified, chcod displays the current value of CustomerInfo,MailAddr, the system's model name and serial number, and the current value(s) of NbrResources for any ResourceType which has CUoD support.


-c CustomerInfo Specifies the text string to include in the error log. This string is also included in the body of any email message sent. CustomerInfo may not be more than 255 characters. Blanks may not be included in the string. Once CustomerInfohas been specified, subsequent chcod uses do not have to specify the -c flag, but you do have the option of changing it. CustomerInfo may consist of alphanumerics and any of . (period), , (comma), - (hypen), ( (open parenthesis), or ) (close parenthesis).
-h Displays the usage message.
-m MailAddr Specifies the email address to which email should be sent. MailAddrmay not be more than 255 characters. If MailAddris reset by specifying "" (a blank string), then only error logging will monitor the resources which have CUoD support. You must have email configured on your system if you want to send notification to this email address.
-n NbrResources Specifies the number of ResourceTypes to be authorized on the system. It must be zero or greater. If it is 0, capacity upgrade on demand is disabled for the specified ResourceType. If -n is specified, then -r must be specified as well.
-r ResourceType Specifies the ResourceType, for example, proc for processors, to be enabled and monitored on the system. The system must support CUoD for ResourceType. If -r is specified, then -n must be specified as well.


  1. To initiate capacity upgrade on demand for processors, type:
    chcod -r proc -n 10 -m"someone@ibm.location.com" -c"Jane_Doe-Customer_Number_999999-(111)111-1111"
  2. To change the CustomerInfo, type:
    chcod -c"Jane_Doe-Customer_Number_999999-(222)222-2222"
  3. To stop the email form of notification, type:
    chcod -m""
  4. To see the current values of the resources with capacity upgrade on demand support, type:

    A message similar to the following will be displayed:

    Current CustomerInfo = Jane_Doe-Customer_Number_999999-(222)222-2222
    Current MailAddr = someone@ibm.location.com
    Current model and serial number = IBM,7043-150 000974934C00
    Current number of authorized processors = 10 of 12 installed on system

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