Документация по AIX: Команды:

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w Prints a summary of current system activity.
wait Waits until the termination of a process ID.
wall Writes a message to all users that are logged in.
wallevent Broadcasts an event or a rearm event to all users who are logged in.
watch Observes a program that may be untrustworthy.
wc Counts the number of lines, words, and bytes or characters in a file.
what Displays identifying information in files.
whatis Describes what function a command performs.
whatnow Starts a prompting interface for draft disposition.
whereis Locates source, binary, or manual for program.
which Locates a program file, including aliases and paths.
which_fileset Searches the /usr/lpp/bos/AIX_file_list file for a specified file name or command. This command only applies to AIX 4.2.1 or later.
who Identifies the users currently logged in.
whoami Displays your login name.
whois Identifies a user by user ID or alias.
whom Manipulates Message Handler (MH) addresses.
wlmassign Manually assigns processes to a class or cancels prior manual assignments for processes.
wlmcheck Check automatic assignment rules and/or determines the class a process with a specified set of attributes would be classified in.
wlmcntrl Starts or stops the Workload Manager.
wlmstat Shows WLM per class resource utilization statistics.
write Opens a line of communication to send messages to other users on the system in real time.
writesrv Allows users to send messages to and receive messages from a remote system.
wsmserver Configures the functionality of the Web-based System Manager servers.
wtmpfix Manipulates connect-time accounting records by correcting date and time stamp inconsistencies.
wump Starts the hunt the wumpus game.